Use "liberalization|liberalizations" in a sentence

1. Another key aspect is accelerated trade liberalization, including improvements in regional trade liberalization.

2. Lethal mix: financial and trade liberalization.

3. 5 Economic Effects Of Country Liberalization

4. Trade liberalization is the engine of economic growth.

5. Whether the trade liberalization is reduce or increase poverty?

6. Liberalization, however, can impose additional strain on a system.

7. Political reform and economic liberalization don't always go together.

8. It was the liberalization of international financial markets.

9. Voting for reform: democracy, political liberalization, and economic adjustment.

10. Liberalization, on the other hand, allows easier entry into particular markets.

11. Trade liberalization, by reducing observed markups generates additional economic welfare.

12. Under Dubček's leadership, Slovakia began to evolve toward political liberalization.

13. Government would consider this disadvantageous and may rein in schedulingof liberalization.

14. NWT Williams College Armigeri E. Liberalization E. Williams Christmas Stocking

15. Depending on how it evolves, electricity liberalization could bring environmental benefits.

16. The liberalization of trade regimes should take that aspect into account.

17. Economic globalization and trade liberalization call for an elimination of tariff wall.

18. During the past 20 years trade liberalization quickly expanded production capacities.

19. In the nineties, most of the SAARC countries adopted economic liberalization process.

20. We have actively pursued external liberalization by cutting down customs duty rates.

21. Liberalization and Cities: Conclusions Three brief comments might usefully be made here.

22. And finally, a process of rationalization of economic production and of trade liberalization.

23. In fact, there are conflicts between service trade liberalization and environmental protection.

24. But India's governing coalition depends on support from communist parties that oppose trade liberalization.

25. Measures to prevent the competitive liberalization of consumer credit will encounter the heaviest resistance.

26. China will also take steps to promote the liberalization of trade in services.

27. More broadly, the suppression temporarily halted the policies of liberalization in the 1980s.

28. By the middle of the present century, a liberalization trend had set in.

29. The preference schemes appear also to erode the interest of their beneficiaries trade liberalization.

30. Against the backdrop of growing economic globalization[], trade liberalization has attracted increasing attention.

31. 6.2.2(a) Canada’s Adjustment Path Trade liberalization is expected to increase household income.

32. The Agreement is comprehensive - encompassing principles such as promotion, facilitation, liberalization and protection of investments.

33. There are two possible development scenarios for the process of economic globalization and trade liberalization.

34. India is taking a lead role in all SAARC mechanisms working towards removal of trade barriers, tariff liberalization and liberalization of trade in services to improve trade among member nations of SAARC.

35. Concern was expressed that liberalization could aggravate balance-of-payments positions for developing countries.

36. The past quarter century has witnessed an unprecedented level of activity on trade liberalization.

37. On the other hand, environmental protection may restrict the development of service trade liberalization.

38. Zhao was also accused of encouraging the spread of bourgeois liberalization and personal corruption.

39. Currently, many people have misunderstandings in the relations between service trade liberalization and environmental protection.

40. In other network industries such as railways and postal services, the liberalization process is less advanced.

41. With the liberalization of the education sector, private schools began to be another alternative for families.

42. Trade liberalization has impacted this sector drastically due to which cheap products are flooding the markets.

43. Capital account liberalization has been accepted, leading only to adverse effects on exchange rates.

44. Deregulating product markets has an additional benefit: it facilitates liberalization of the labor market.

45. The policies chosen for this difficult transition were (1) liberalization, (2) stabilization and (3) privatization.

46. It looks only at the side of business interests who think only of trade liberalization.

47. Only in the 1990s with a program of economic liberalization did the economy begin to recover.

48. Inaccurate forecasting and ill-judged investments by some electricity monopolies have been a salient stimulus towards liberalization.

49. Liberalization will also change the technical configuration of electricity systems, and thereby their environmental impact.

50. 2) regionalism can have important demonstration effects in Accustoming actors to the effects of liberalization 3) increased numbers of regional arrangements can weaken opposition to multilateral liberalization because each successive arrangement reduces the value of the margin of preference

51. There are two arguments and one economic shift that could accelerate a return to trade liberalization.

52. On the day before the price liberalization took effect there was a wave of panic buying.

53. Key elements included price and exchange system liberalization, fiscal consolidation, monetary restraint, and a firm income policy.

54. This means that, even after liberalization of the markets, they will still be of no interest, economically speaking.

55. the liberalization of market access in sectors and modes of supply of export interest to them

56. Following the political liberalization Bahrain negotiated a Free Trade Agreement with the United States in 2004.

57. Indian Art got a boost with the economic liberalization of the country since the early 1990s.

58. The trend that economic globalization and service trade liberalization complement and buttress each other is irreversible.

59. Similarly, very radical liberalization has been done in sectors like plantation, e-commerce and single brand retail.

60. Also , government bureaucracy is a common target area to be streamlined and improved in the liberalization process .

61. Liberalization of trade and investment has been influenced by the expansion and intensification of regional integration efforts.

62. Map of the e-road network (1); Publication on the Liberalization of the Road Transport Sector (additional).

63. The Kosovo authorities and the European Commission also continued to advance their discussions on a visa liberalization regime.

64. Given the evidence that capital account liberalization increases macroeconomic volatility, many developing countries have experimented with capital controls.

65. 6 The directive signals an inexorable process towards liberalization, but with many details left open and implications poorly understood.

66. Under the trade liberalization constraint, direct export subsidy in strategic trade policy is prohibited by the rules of WTO.

67. Instead the land-reform promise took a back seat to coup threats, import liberalization and debt rescheduling.

68. The middle classes According to the liberal interpretation, as we have seen, such liberalization was under way.

69. The directive signals an inexorable process towards liberalization, but with many details left open and implications poorly understood.

70. Along the same lines, UNCTAD foresees significant mitigation gains through the potential liberalization of environmental goods and services.

71. This liberalization alarmed the Soviet Union and on 21 August 1968, the Soviets invoked the Brezhnev Doctrine and invaded Czechoslovakia.

72. Along the same lines, UNCTAD foresees significant mitigation gains through the potential liberalization of environmental goods and services

73. All Member States have also reiterated their resolve to facilitate greater trade liberalization measures and greater tariff reductions.

74. He also announced unilateral liberalization of visas particularly for students, teachers, professors, journalists and patients from the region.

75. Accelerating financial reform and liberalization needed to develop lagging domestic capital markets should be one a key objective.

76. He also issued an appeal to all citizens to participate in political liberalization and in the development of the country.

77. Furthermore, labor-market liberalization, once considered indispensable to attract investors and promote industrial growth, is on the back burner.

78. Optimists believe that gradualism will make the current liberalization last longer than the euphoric, but ultimately failed, experiences of the past.

79. With trade liberalization, however, CONASUPO was to be gradually dismantled and two new mechanisms were implemented: Alianza and Procampo.

80. 18 Combining the actual conditions of our country, we can promote the interest rate liberalization by developing money market fund.